Friday, January 14, 2011

Being a Wise Consumer of Information About Educational Psychology

Wise Consumers of Educational Psychology
  1. Have to be cautious of what is reported in the popular media.
  2. Avoid drawing conclusions about individual needs based on group research.
  3. Recognize how easy it is to overgeneralize about a small or clinical sample.
  4. Be aware that a single study is usually no the defining word.
  5. Always consider the source of information and evaluate its credibility.

Yes the world needs to be aware of what is being said, and that not all studies are trustworthy especially in the world of educational psychology and education in general. First of all I wouldn't take in a lot of what is said in “popular” media because what they tend to report is what accepted by the general masses, how often in the news do they report potentially ground breaking material. Society wants to be able to blame someone or find an answer to a particular problem so the media chooses to report on what will get people to watch. Secondly say that all students in a class took a survey and the survey says that 27 of 30 say that their parents drive them to school, but the other 3 need to take the bus. We can we confirm that most students do not use the school bus, can and should the district cut funding to bus routes, in this way are we drawing conclusions about individual needs based on group research. It is very easy to overgeneralize a small clinical study, I myself can relate because I was part of one myself. The Focus Group Initiative was a full year project that involved students working with students to carry out their own learning, yes this project was a success in alot of ways, but it was also a failure, students were able to speak their minds and conduct projects, but there was little direction when it came to actual school subjects. Grades were not always up to snuff but cutting tough questions and extra marks were given to improve grades. Although the project worked in some ways, it was sensationalized, by being presented in a teacher conference by the students themselves, but these students were already great leaders and speakers. The group clams it is good for every student, but for me it didn't, yes sure I was able to speak my mind but I feel like I got shorted when it came to learning the actual material. But then again am I overgeneralizing my own experience, just because it didn't work for one student, in one class, in one school, in one community doesn't mean it won't improve other students way of learning. Lastly, when considering the source of information is it credible, is it coming from all points of view on the study. The work must be a collaboration of what the positive and negative aspects of the project and can you way each side evenly. There are alot of points to take into consideration when reading or hearing information on Educational Psychology, most importantly can you trust the information being presented.

Although it is not my work, I would like to post a video created by one of the students from the Focus Initiative Group of North Delta Secondary School, the program has changed alot considering I was from the first batch of students. It's great ideas, and I hope it will work out for them.

I am also stating that this include some notes and ideas from EDPY 200, the professor is Robert Christopher Nellis. so this is the link. And I just want to repeat this is not my video, but a video of a project I was part of in Grade 11, in North Delta Secondary School.

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