Inclusive Education
Learner’s who are exceptional are students who require specialized programming or support.
Special Education: Is a way of removing barriers by having Individual Program Plans or IPP’s.
Inclusive Education is a way which all students are educated together, each having their own IPP’s.
Service Delivery Models
1. Special Education Classes: This type is most common in today’s education system. It helps students who have needs that require more help. Some of these needs are managing ones behaviour, or emotions. This is a way for students with learning disabilities learn new strategies.
In my opinion this is a good option in some ways, for students who are a constant distraction and influence the classroom in a negative ways, students like those who are verbally abusive towards the teacher and others. These types of classroom were more prominent in high school, the high school I went to had to types of special education classroom, one for students that did not fit the regular classroom environment (behavioural problems), and the other was for students with extreme learning disabilities. In a way this is helpful to the common teacher who has no training with this, but the way these people were presented was extremely negative, there was one classroom in the basement and one on the other side of the football field.
2. Resource Rooms: These rooms are part of the regular classroom, but students go off to these special rooms part of the time.
I think this is the best way to deal with people who only struggle with learning disabilities in only some subjects. In my experience I think I might have gone to one of these before, because I use to go speak to someone, and read papers to test my reading levels, this was in grade 4 but I don’t remember going to one after that grade.
3. Inclusive Classrooms: These classrooms involve all members equally contributing to the classroom, all students no matter what needs they need will be treated in the same class as everyone else, each student will have an IPP.
This is a good idea in theory but I just do not think that all students are capable of being taught in the same classroom. If this was to occur I could for see students sacrificing their own learning and progress. Sometimes it will be a lot of distraction; in elementary school I had two classes that were inclusive part due to the school being so small. One student was really good, and only had minor outbursts, but in the other one student was physically abusive to others, and always tried to pants students by pulling at the rip off Adidas pants, students had to stop wearing those to school.
To respond to the Question: “How difficult can this be?”
I think being a student with a learning disability can be very hard, it must be hard seeing, and processing information in a different way must be the most stressful thing someone can go through, the frustration, anxiety, and tension must be over whelming. But it will also be difficult to make inclusive education work, in a productive and manageable way.
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