Memory: The process of recovering information about past events or knowledge, and Learning.
3 Processes of Memory:
1. Rehearsal: Is the conscious repetition over time. Example: writing out notes over and over again.
2. Deep Processing: Dig into the concept and move towards deeper meaning. Example: Researching how different elements come into play and make the concept you want to know about more elaborate. Chemistry of why bread rises.
3. Constructing Images: Another form of elaboration by making a visual extension of the concept. Example: Andi Bells super memory strategy.
4. Organization: Make meaningful connections, by giving the concept structure. Example relating people in my life to Erik Erikson’s levels of human development, turns out everyone in my house hold is at a different level.
1. Sensory: Fleeting in seconds or less. Most of it doesn’t stay. That why at times, when I am having a meaningless conversation I cannot recall what I just had said, because it doesn’t matter.
2. Short Term: About 30 seconds. For me this would be random web searches, I will remember parts of that I had found out but not a lot.
3. Long Term: Lasts a long time, because we make a connection to something we already know to something we want to know. This extends to my interests in Biology I tend to remember what I study because I find it enjoyable and I want to know more.
Retrieval: Knowing where to find it.
1. Cue Dependant: The label or cue to find the information has a lost connection therefore the cue no longer works.
2. Interference Theory: Other new information we have learned interferes with old information being found.
3. Decay Theory: The foundation of the pathways to the information disappears. Neuropath ways decay because of lack of use.
My Opinion: The way I study is in a sense rehearsal, I like to study with flashcards which is repetition until you think you know the material. This study strategy works for exams but I don’t think it lasts in the long term memory. I think that if I made more connections to the material like my example of comparing family to Erik Erikson’s levels that it would last longer. Memory to me only works if you work on it, but I believe that it takes a lot of effort for it to remain and lots of the time I would rather relax or do something better, in a sense our brains are just as lazy as the user. So if people want better memory and be better, work on memory and work on yourself. Use the secrets of success.
Richard St.Johns secrets of success.
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